Expression to Life’s Experiences...!
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Right from my heart..... |
A genuine admirer of a tulip will always desist a temptation to pluck it and the one who plucks it, is likely to hold it only for ornamental reasons.
I can only love or hate, nothing in between. And this is the only reason behind most of the problems of my life.
In life, two plus two is
never equal to four.
We need to have ears to
have more years in life.
I was playing the game of
my life as a chess but eventually I’ve found that it is mere a game of ludoo.
There is only one religion
which I worship i.e. Humanity.
Create your own place, be
small or big. We should try to be different.
Never ever open your 52
cards before anyone. No matter how much close they are (Not even with your
spouse).Because at the end of the day, we all are human beings who are born to exploit
If you are convinced that who you are?? Then no need to convince others.
Real relationships are based on mutualism not on
Always start and end any relationship on a positive note.
Invest your emotions for a
right cause because it is you who is going to suffer in the end.
The only mistake which a girl
does in a relationship is to make her boy feel that she can’t live without him.
Game over!
People do accept other people but with conditions.
People don’t respond to us
when we need them, they generally respond when they need us.
We selfish creatures would always like
others to behave in the manner in which we want, whereas we our self never
like to behave in the manner in which they want.
When you need “A”,”B” will be there and when you start needing “B”, he just vanish and eventually “A” will come into picture.huh! How ironical this life's journey is??
Teaching is just the
matter of sharing your knowledge with greater experience.
World is divided into two
categories of people; one who are using and the other who are used, unluckily I
fall into the second category.
This world consists of
vultures not pigeons.
People who never
impose their wishes on you are hardly attended.
Stay with the people who
give you unconditional regards.
The only difference b/w
Amithabh Bachhan and Abhishek Bachhan is that the former one has created his
destiny while the latter one is created by his destiny.
You can make people learn Spanish or French but you can’t make them
learn to take care of your feelings.
Emotions are stupid..!! They don’t understand logic.
Find out
your purpose of life not in human doings but as a human being.Lets make it little simple for you by giving my own : My purpose of life is to experience my qualities and to express them.
Don’t say sorry if it’s not your fault. It’s a symbol
of weakness. May you implement this in your life which I am still trying..!!
People with good intentions make promises but only with good character fulfill it.
People with good intentions make promises but only with good character fulfill it.
Ego and Love just can’t
coexist. One has to leave for other to come. If they both are there in your
heart for someone then please do one more introspection to find out what
exactly it is??
Respect is more crucial than
love in any relationship as I can simply say that love for my father is always accompanied by respect for him .What I believe is that respect is something which we all need more
than love from those who are closest and intimately connected with us.
Criticisms and humiliations are the oxygen for success. If you ignore them you will never get success.
Criticisms and humiliations are the oxygen for success. If you ignore them you will never get success.
The one
whom I found everyday in the mirror is the only one and true well wisher
of mine till this stage of my life.
People always mistaken my silence for arrogance and executed me without even trials.
If or whenever you say "I Love You" ... mean it.
Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be.Become one yourself.
People always mistaken my silence for arrogance and executed me without even trials.
If or whenever you say "I Love You" ... mean it.
Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be.Become one yourself.
PS: This section is tentative and subjected to further addition.
Happy Reading :-)